Thursday, February 11, 2010


From Bambini

Its only been a week since we left club Kaiser, but it feels like a month. Luca is gaining weight very fast and Nico is a little behind. Luca was bigger in the womb and is probably just going to be big.

So far we have been lucky in that we have been able to stagger their feeding. Today they managed to align themsleves despite out best efforts. At about 4 in the morning they are both licking their lips at the same time. Its like looking at a Tsunami approaching the beach you are sitting on realizing that a lot of life threatening activity is in your imminent future.

Necessity became the mother of invention today as I devised a simple but effective solution to the need for four hands, as you can see in the picture above.

The last few days I have been exhausted. It seems adjusting to being a father isn't just about feeding bottles and daipers. The concept is a lot more daunting than it first seems.

Barbara rented a more powerful breast pump today because the bambini were sucking much stronger than the first pump. She is doing better with the breast feeding. During the day, they start on her breast and then finish with the bottle.

We were warned by several nurses that because the bottle delivers a lot of milk with little effort, they might not do well on the breast if they get used to the bottle. So far this has not been the case.

Barbara seems to be back at work despite hopes that she would make more time for the babies. The clients are relentless and she is hard to replace. The nanny is here in the morning to help while I sleep.

She has cut down the pain medication to 1/2 of the dose and seems to be doing better. The feet swelling is going down and she is much more mobile.

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