Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday - Pregnancy

From Baby Shower

Another day another daiper... or 5. How can babies make so much? They eat every 2.5 hrs.
I have developed about five different ways to remove diapers without causing a screaming fit. Luca in particular had a very big problem with daiper changes but he seems to be handling it better now.

His favorite trick is to pee everywhere. The daipers are virtually useless if the pee does not run straight down into the absorbing part. I seem to remember someone telling us that no daipers are leak proof, so we just hope they pee in the right position.

We weighed them today to make sure they are gaining weight.
Luca - 5lb 5.5oz
Nico - 4lb 14.5oz

If you weigh them after feeding they weigh 2oz more. I don't know why I find that so hilarious, but their food intake is a significant portion of their body weight.

Talking of body weight, Barbara emerged from the bathroom this morning and annouced; I shrunk! After spending many months blown up with babies, it has got to be a good feeling. I was just relieved that I was unlikely to hear that question that all men dread, "Do I look fat?"

I seem to be getting more fatigued. I sleep eight hours and wake up tired. I am feeling the pressure to get back to my business, but with this schedule I cannot make any significant progress. I decided to take some of Barbara's birth control pills to change my hormone levels to see if that would help. I didn't feel any better, but I did change my shirt color three times.

Today Barbara announced she was going on a secret mission with her girlfriend. This is usually code for a "munch munch munch, blah blah blah" session at some new restaurant. I am really happy she can have this part of her life back, it scratches and itch that runs as deep within her.

We got some pictures from my Brothers family today and enjoyed them very much. Nico and Luca have two cousins, Danny and Charlotte. Charlotte is two years old (picture above - there are also some pictures from the baby shower)

We received many many useful gifts at the baby shower. Thank you all so much. It has made a huge difference.

Barbara has said that she enjoyed the pregnancy despite the limitations, and watching her own the transition was never more fun than last xmas when I took some pictures of her glowing

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