Friday, May 20, 2011


This week, the fourth week of Nico's six week healing process, he developed a fever of 101. We rushed him to Kaiser who provided us with their finest intern as a doctor. she was very nice and Nico sat patiently through the examination. Then she annouced that she was only the intern and the doctor would be in next to do the same examination again!

Nico was very brave and did not kick and scream his way through it thank goodness, but the list of surprises at Kaiser grows with each visit.

The final word was, he has no ear infection or obvious throat infection, but if it lasts more than three days come back (and pay again of course).

Luckily the surgery seems to have healed, but it would have been nice to have one week where he was not fighting some nasty virus.

The "co-pay" alone is more than most salaried doctors make per hour when you consider the doctor is with us for 10 or 15 minutes, but this is what you get with "managed" care. About the only thing that is managed is the amount the collect.

The opportunity was not wasted by them to promote the usual battery of vaccinations. I remineded them that vaccinations are not proven to be either safe or effective. The Doctor immediatly respected this, the intern began to push back so I explained the history of Whooping cough whole cell vaccine as related in Dr Tenpenny's book "saying no to vaccines"

This began in 1948 as a vaccine for pertussis (whoping cough). This "whole Cell" vaccine varied from batch to batch and contained 1.7 times more bacteria than reccomended by the WHO in 1990.

By the late 1960's problems had started to come to light. Papers were published reporting barin inflamation in infants within hours of vaccination. By the 1970's, the vaccine was implicated in causing PEMANENT BRAIN INJURY.

In 1982, Dr John Cameron from the insititue Armande Frappier in Quebecc warned scientists that the vaccine had not been tested adequately and the risk of side effects like oh say PEMANENT BRAIN INJURY had not been discussed.

This, among other evidence prompted a feverish series of studies, meanwhile the vaccine was still given routinely to children. They determined that:

1. The release of islet activating factor from the pancreas increased insulin and thus blood sugar plummeted (hypoglycemia). In infants this causes brain damage.

2. An elevated white blood cell count copled with a low grade fever was misinterpreted by general doctors as a sign of infection prompting extensive hospital evaluations like blood tests, spinal taps.

3. The vaccine can punch holes in the protective coating of the brain (blood brain barrier) allowing toxins to enter the brain causing encephalopathy (infllamation ofhte brain) and siezures.

4. Porduces the production of a molecule called adenyl cyclase, which can alter the function of the neurotransmitters in the brain leadign to brain damage.

5. The vaccine only produced antibodies in <85% of children, and even these waned quickly to completely dissapear in 24months.

These findings supported an opinion made in the UK by Dr G. T. Stewart in 1977 that Whooping cough deaths had declined since the turn of the century (due to better living conditions like food/sanitation/shelter) and could not be attributed to the small scale vaccination program that began in 1948 or the ntaionwide campaign begun in 1957. He stated unequivocally that "No protection by this vaccine can be demonstrated in infants"

If he made that statement today, he would be ostracized by the medical community. His own studies found that more than half of the children vaccinated had convulsions and 10% had severe reactions. The claim by healt official that "the risk of whooping cough exceeds the risk of vaccination" was questiobale at best, yet this was the predominat thinking for another 20 years.

Instead of issuing a moratorium, the US continued to administeer whole cell vaccine. by 1985, 219 lawsuits had been filed with an average award of $26m when reported.

A clinical researcher brave enough to do the research, evaluated 20 children who received the whole cell vaccine and found 75% developed neurological complications within 12hrs. The vaccine continued to be promoted as "safe and effective"

The growing number of lawsuits in the 1980's forced the IOM to begin hearings in 1985. The hearings dragged on until 1990 when they finally concluded there was enough evidence that this vaccine could cause acute encephalopathy. There was still no change in reccomendations for use!

In 1991 a new safer pertusis vaccine was licensed for use and yet they still did not reccomend and changes to the use of whole cell vaccine.

in 1994 there was another study done the conclude whole cell vaccine causes braing damage. Still no change in reccomended use.

in 1995 they concluded whole cell vaccine is "MORE LIKELY THAN NOT" (medical speak for dead certainty) responsible for encephalitis like reactions up to 7 days after vaccination leading to brain damage. STILL NO CHANGE IN RECCOMENDATIONS FOR USE!!!!

Finally in 2001, the whole cell vaccine was removed from the US market.

It should be noted that the safer acellular vaccine was advised for use back in 1937 due to the inability to test vaccines. Dr. Tenpenny asserts that an unsafe vaccine was givein to US children for 64 years.

A study called "The true story of pertussis vaccination - a sordid legacy" authored by the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences in oxford
(Started in 1946 and internationally recognized as one of the top publications in its field) concluded:
"In the US most children received 5 doses, so millions of children may be suffering from some degree of permanent brain injury"

Even though the acellular vaccine is safer (less injuries) 50% experience fever, vomiting, reduced appetite, excess sleeping and soreness. 1% experience serious side effects including 105 fever, seizures, High pitched screaming, Hypotensive episode (turnign pale and becoming limp). Interestingly, when questioned, pediatricians and nurses describe these kinds of reactions aa a "normal side effect".

Since 4m+ children receive the pertusis vaccine per year, statisically 40,000 children per year will have these reactions.

According to the National Immunization Network, about 4 out of 50,000 pertusis vaccinations will result in a serious reaction including breathing difficulty, shock or brain innflamation, long seizure, coma or lowered consciousness.

After a difficult and extensive examination of the reports filed to VAERS (the voluntary reporting system for vaccine injuries) in 1998, a researcher identified 57 DEATHS that were reported following a DTaP vaccination. Of those 23 children were dead within 24 hours. Interestingly that is TEN TIMES more than the number of deaths (5) reported that same year from Pertusis infection.

Given a history of dangerous practices by the very people and governing bodies that are charged with providing "health care" coupled with the vast amounts of money involved in this industry ($20b by 2012) and the alarming increase in Autism with absolutly no explanation from the medical community, it would seem to make sense to err on the side of caution when considering vaccination.

I would not be at all surprised to see a report from the CDC in the next 10 years linking certain risk factors and vaccines with Autism and brain injury.

Since every physicians office in the US is REQUIRED to buy $100k worth of vaccines to set up shop, providing some incentive to move that inventory. Obviously the drug companies have more that a small incentive to influence the licensing of these vaccines and the promotion of "public health".

In the US there is now a vaacine injury court who's job it is to compensate for vaccine related injuries. Despite the implementation of many hhurdles to filing a claim, this court pays out $100m per year. By 1999 the average claim took two years to resolve, and 42% of resolved claims were awarded compensation.

In 2008 the federal government agreed to award damages to the family of Hannah Poling, a girl who developed autistic-like symptoms after receiving a series of vaccines in a single day. The vaccines given were DTaP, Hib, MMR, varicella, and inactivated polio.

The irony is that growing up, children were regularly deliberatly exposed to mumps, measels, chicken pox etc and most children had very mild cases of these diseases if their immune systems are not compromised. This exposure produces a LIFETIME IMMUNITY to the disease, not just a few months from a questionable vaccine.

WE went to great lengths during the first 11 months to protect them from older children because it is well known that dieases like Pertusis are more often than not transmitted to infants this way.

Despite the comprehensive use of hand sanitizer, we managed 11 months without any nasty viral infections. Begging at christmas, the last 5 months have seen one infection after another. The current fever may in fact be pertusis as they came into contact with shildren that had just had the pertusis vaccine amongst others.

It turns out that recently vaccinated children can infect healthy children with the very disease they were vaccinated against by a process called vaccine shedding. Since it is virtually impossible to tell what Nico has had, it is hard to say if this has occured. One thing is certain though, no one is going to be doing a study any time soon to determine what that risk might be.

Monday, May 2, 2011


From Bambini4

Table Dance

Both babies now have the worst flu yet. Thick yellow snot slowly oozes out of both nostrils at once with a speed equivelent to their activity rate until it reaches the mouth, when it becomes so disgusting to look at that Barbara or I pin their head between our legs and attempt to remove it with a tissue.

Un fortunatly the approaching tissue signals a spurt in energy as they head for the nearest safe haven to avoid having the sore skin under thier noses assaulted again.

If this isnt bad enough, they have both started producing acidic ka ka which results in an instantaneous daiper rash. Luca's is so bad that he starts screaming as soon as you pick him up to change it.

Nico pinches his butt cheeks together so hard, I would need a screwdriver to pry them apart. How do babies develop such strong gluts?

Then there is the surgical recovery which when sprayed to remove acidic ka ka creates a third reason to scream.

By bath time they are so exhausted that they just fall over for no apparent reason. The resulting screaming would lead you to believe there was blood everywhere.

Bath time after a long afternoon of this is one long 20min exercise in sound pressure levels that four tiled walls can contain. To keep them warm, there is a very effective heat lamp in the bathroom that I purchased that beats down like the mid day sun. By the time they are bathed, oiled, vickesed, daipered and dressed, I am dripping in sweat and my head is pounding.

The number of #2 daipers seems rise proportionally with their ill health. On Saturday, Luca produced 6, twice as many, and Sunday Nio produced 3, 3x as many. To amuse myself in the face these challenges, I decided to examine the contents.

I noticed dark dots in the composition, and wondered if this was something I should be concerned about. Closer inspection revealed they were raisins, one their favorite munchies.

They looked undigested so I began to ponder the results of recycling them. Has anyone ever studied the maturing of a babies digestive system? How many times through the horse does it take to digest a raisin? I could perhaps write a paper on the subject.

These are depths that ones mind goes to after 15mo with twins. Another couple in the park today looked at us with the customary face of pity and made the usual comment "don't worry, it gets better". If I hear that one more time...

Later the husband and I were talking and he said that twins make normal people crazy. I dread to think what it has done to me then.

This weekend I thought it might be fun to go to a local park that was having a kite flying event. For $6 you got a hot dog and 10c plastic kite that flew off to one side only and crashed straight into the ground.

The entrance had two large poles in the ground designed to allow single strollers, but prevent double strollers from passing. Is that twin discrimination? I solved this one adeptly by picking up the stroller, twins strapped in place and lifting it over the whole barricade.

On the way up the hill we realized this was going to be a hot day and Barbara forgot the sun screen for the babies and us. Barbara had elected to dress in all black heat absorbing material and was uncomfortable from the moment we left the security of the tarmac.

I suggested we used our bodies to provide shade for the babies as they ran all over the place and I attempted to assemble and fly a worthless kite. I should have placed the camera on the ground and taken video. That idea didn't last long.

Next we headed for the shade of a tree and were having great fun until some well meaning passerby said they had seen a "big" snake in there. Barbara was heading down the path before I could finish my question "are we leaving now?"

Despite the whole hill being covered with people and kids I was made to holler at the tall grass along side the path to "ward off the snakes".

This was definately a Loooooooooooooooooooooooong weekend.