Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Relentless Teething

From Bambini3

The last couple of months have been very tough. The babies have been in a lot of pain with teething. They wake up almost every 1/2hr and on can take hours to get back to sleep. During the day they start screaming around 6am and creshendo at 5pm. I can only take about 10 minutes of it before I start screaming right along with them. I dont know how Barbara does it all day.

We have had a very cold spell so they are now sleeping in their one piece thermal suits. Initially the choice of these was very difficult because of the necessity of changing their daipers in the middle of the night without waking them up if possible.

They both have got quite strong and they squirm when you try to dress them. It seems babies are as enthusiastic about getting dressed as we are about doing taxes. Most days i have to hold one while Barbara pulls on the cloths. Sometimes I just dangle them by their arms while she pulls on their pants.

Nico has perfected a high pitched shrill death scream. He ahould have, he has been practicing it for months now, every 5 minutes. he has discovered the effect of large concrete spaces like the parking garage. he is fascinatted with his own echo. He makes a series of timed bursts of sound and them looks very pleased when the echo continues.

They are both on the threshold of walking. Nicos new trick is to take the office chair and walk around in a circle with it. He also has great fun when we hold his arms to support him and help him run around the house.

We had Thanksgiving with some friends and the boys got some surrogate grandparents from Russia. They are now referred to as baby booski's!

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