New data from the CDC:
No one has any idea what is behind this pandemic, all we know is that it hits 1 out of every 54 boys by age 4... Terrifying!
CDC Online Newsroom Press release March 29, 2012:
Autism spectrum disorders are almost five times more common among boys than girls – with 1 in 54 boys identified. The National Institutes of Health has invested in research to identify possible risk factors and effective therapies for people with ASDs. (that's reassuring!)
“To understand more, we need to keep accelerating our research into risk factors and causes of autism spectrum disorders,” said Coleen Boyle, Ph.D., M.S.Hyg., director of CDC’s National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities.
The study also shows more children are being diagnosed by age 3, an increase from 12 percent for children born in 1994 to 18 percent for children born in 2000. “Unfortunately, 40 percent of the children in this study aren’t getting a diagnosis until after age 4.
Is it any wonder there is increasing caution when vaccinating children in the face of statistics like this.