From Bambini5 |
Nico First Dive
Nico Second Dive
After a summer of confusion, we finally have begun swimming lessons at the local pool. it is an indoor pool and heated to 90deg F. This seems to be just about warm enough for the little ones to be able to enjoy the water without getting cold within 5 minutes.
We went to a local health club the other evening. They only have open time from 6.30pm to 8pm. This makes no sense in the fall but their pool was supposedly 86deg. it felt more like 80 and the babies started shivering within 5 mins so we had to leave.
This week we are having an Indian summer, so even thought the HOA has stopped heating the pool (not that really heat it in the first place) we decided to buy some wetsuits and try again.
The wetsuits are a little large so they get some flushing, which prevents a layer of warm water staying next to the skin, but they were still able to enjoy the pool for about 25mins before Nico's lips turned a little blue.
It was 96deg today, so we let them walk around in the sunshine for 10mins and then they were ready for another splash.
The wet suits provide bouyancy and warmth. They also have some the latest in coast guard approved kids fun life vests which keeps them from drinking too much water!