Summer came with a heat wave and then vanished for a week leaving everyone with a cold. Now it has returned. Nico got the cold first and a few days later all of us had it. It has been two weeks this weekend and they are doing better, but in rubbing their eyes, everyone except me got pink eye.
The Kaiser Doctor said this was no big deal and did not want to see them (it was friday) and so just prescribed antibiotic drops. Barbara initially was hesitant to use them because like all antibiotics, they need to be given for 5 days consecutivly.
We both feel prefer not to use oral antibiotics because of the whole body immunity issues, but once I explained that topical antibiotics affect just that area of contact she felt ok with using them.
Getting drops in an 18mo old eye is no easy task. I brought a tiny wind up robot toy from a tech show I was at recently and I hoped this would be enough to distract him. I held him on my lap and wound up the toy while barbara put a drop in each eye.
The next four days are not goint obe so easy i suspect. They learn and adapt really fast!